Kieran McGill
Prop Making Services
The Lab
"So come up to the lab and see what's on the slab"

Welcome to my top secret lab. this section is for projects in the works and sneaky peeks at up coming projects
Current Project: 3D modelling Lightsaber
I have decided to model Taron Malicos lightsaber from the game "Star Wars : Jedi - Fallen Order"
Using a mixture of in game reference images and concept art were used to make this model as accurate as possible. A complete 3d model was made using fusion 360, then separated the pieces for easier printing.
Not having a image of the engraving on the emittermeant I had to sketch my own on paper for the refence images, take a picture of it and transfer it into fusion 360. where I make my own template and emboss the image onto the emitter.
Test pieces were also modelled and printed to learn the correct size of diameter of parts. in order for them connect firmly but not needed forced into each other.
With the pieces now printed and fitted the process of sanding, filling and finally painting can begin